Types of Forces

Types of Forces Involved in the Vault

There are multiple forces involved in the vault. In this post, we will explore them in depth.
Force is measured in Newtons (N), named after Sir Isaac Newton.

Force of Gravity

The first force we will explore is gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls objects together. The force of gravity can be calculated using the formula Fg=mag. With this formula, we can calculate the force of gravity.

Force Applied

Also known as applied force, this is the force that the gymnast exerts. It is applied to the runway in her run by her feet, on the beat board by her feet and by her hands on the vault table.

Force applied on the beat board

Reaction Force

Reaction force is defined by Newton's Third Law as being an equal and opposite force to the applied force. It is, therefore, applied to the gymnast by the runway, beat board and vault.
Reaction force upwards

Fun Fact!

The Yurchenko vault, invented by Russian gymnast Natalia Yurchenko, is a vault where the gymnast does a round-off move onto the beat board before her vault. This technique allows for more force to be applied onto the board and gives her more power to complete more flips and twists.

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